Relaxing...and Shoveling

Relaxing...and Shoveling

Hello, there, from chilly, snowed-in NJ!If you are in the northeast, you’re probably snowed in right now. If you’re not…well, then you’re probably warmer than I am right now! I’m enjoying the beginning of my break. What have I been doing? RELAXING! After such a busy term and all, Caltech students really enjoy the breaks so they can spend time with high school friends and family over the Holidays. How have I been relaxing? Well, I LOVE Christmas, so I have been busy baking Christmas cookies for my family’s Christmas Eve celebration on Thursday! Essentially all of Saturday was spent baking, listening to Christmas music, and watching the snow fall. Such a perfect day! The day ended with a snowed-in movie night with my parents. We set up a fire in the fireplace, lit up the tree, and popped in my favorite Christmas movie of all time: “The Year Without a Santa Claus.” Look it up here! Yes, its clay-mation, but it’s SO fun! And it was a nice way to keep me warm on such a chilly night (I think it went down to 20 degrees or something!).

After a toasty night in, I awoke to so much snow around me! It was so beautiful and I was so excited…until my dad asked me to help him shovel. I couldn’t say no so I bundled up in my ski pants, hat, and gloves and headed out into the cold!

It’s times like these when I miss the palm trees and warmth of SoCal. Though the snow is beautiful to look at…it’s a pain to clean up! Have a great Christmas (if you celebrate)! Otherwise, enjoy being home with your family! :)