Relaxing During Break

Relaxing During Break

Because I’m not waiting ontenterhooksfor my college decisions to be released/come in the mail! I know Caltech sent things out last week, but as for the rest the best I can say is try to relax? Que sera, sera.

In any case, I’m finally at home after the conclusion of the winter term. I can say one thing for sure–it definitely did not feel like winter those last few days I was taking exams. It was in the 80s, sunny, and felt more like summer, which is the exact sort of environment that distracts you from work. Which, of course, was the last thing I wanted (or could afford).

Now, everyone can complain about finals week, and I’m no exception. However, I also like to remain optimistic in the face of any situation–a fact to which any of my friends will readily attest. It’s not always easy, but I think that I can spin both of the following stories in a positive light.

My first starts this past Sunday, the 14th of March. I’m part of the women’s club soccer team, the Strikers–with the dissolution of the women’s intercollegiate team a few years back (now it’s a coed team), there was a void waiting to be filled. Enter Dalia, a current junior, who applied and received MHF funding to start a women’s team. There’s about…12 of us, and we play 7v7 Women’s Soccer against other area teams on Sundays. It’s great fun and really low key–two one hour practices and one two hour practice a week, and then the games.

So it’s our last game before the term ends, and we’re up against the current #1 team in the league. Things are looking up midway through the second half–we’re up 2-1 and holding our own. Then one of our players has to take a knee. No problem, I think to myself, *just have to step up the defending.So I run to the ball, no one covering me, plenty of time…and roll my left ankle.*

I have a history of spraining this ankle (indeed, my mother just started laughing when I called her to tell her), but at least we won our game. I also spent the next few days sitting at my desk, one foot propped up on a series of boxes. While it wasn’t too bad, I found that I needed help with the oddest things–climbing onto my bed, for example, orre-parkingmy car at the suddenly-miles-away parking garage. But it was no problem–people were more than happy to help out. :)

And then it’s Wednesday, and I’m starting my most difficult final. I need every last bit of concentration and will power I possess. I jot down notes, trying to plan ahead forWHRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRR. Maintenance. Doing some light lawn care. Outside my window. No problem, I think, it’s just aEEEEEH EEEEH EEEEEEEEH. Fire alarm. No problem, I think, it shouldn’t last for more than…five minutes?Well, try 20 agonizing minutes while the smell of freshly packed manure managed to waft throughout the house.

At some point, while waiting for Public Security to come by, figure out what tripped the fire alarm, and let us get back inside, I couldn’t help but laugh. It appeared that I had had the same idea as most of my classmates–all around me, people were taking the same final and freaking out just as much as I was about the unplanned break. Somehow, knowing that others were in the same boat helped me to calm down, too.

In any case, finals week is very over and done with. On Wednesday, after everything was due, I went out and grabbed dinner at Louise’s, this cute little Italian trattoria in ‘Old Pasadena,’ with a few friends. We just had to get off campus…and I was starving! It was a mark of how into finals we had all been when all the people in green merely confused us…it took a while, but we eventually remembered that it was St. Patrick’s Day.

So now it’s sleep, sleep, and more sleep, at least until my friends return home.

Until next time, Mythili.

This is the pineapple upside down cake we made for a friend’s 20th birthday.

This is the lemon cake that my friends made for my 20th. :)