Reflections on Tennis Season

Reflections on Tennis Season

The conference tournament that we call SCIACs (that’s just the name of our conference) was this past weekend, concluding our season. It was especially hot this weekend, but as my coach always says, the sun shines and the wind blows on both sides of the net: what you’re feeling your opponent is as well. And after three matches, Caltech earned 7th place out of the nine teams in conference, which is quite an achievement and improvement from past years. You can read more about us here.

A little ways back, we had Senior Day that recognizes the seniors and their achievements, similar to high school sports. We made posters that were hung up on the fence and our coach gave them a short speech. This year’s was special because it was on PFW so we had our recruits and other prefrosh cheering for us and we won!

Photo credit: Stephen Hinkel Out of our two seniors this year, one is going to grad school and the other med school. It is really nice to see the clique student athlete be a reality; these seniors played tennis all four years of their time at Caltech while doing school and everything else. So, cheers to our seniors! And I hope to see myself in their place in a couple years.

While tennis is fun and rewarding, season ending gives me time to explore other things. My weekends are free, and I have more time to play soccer and put up blogs! There are some blogs that I have been meaning to write for a while and are just getting to them, so stay tuned! :)