Quality Seafood at Redondo Beach

Quality Seafood at Redondo Beach

Redondo Beach is about an hour’s drive from Pasadena. My aunt, who used to live in Arcadia, recommended a place there called Quality Seafood. They serve all kinds of seafood, including crabs, oysters, fish, shrimp, and more. Since we were craving seafood and summer is the perfect time for the beach, we decided to go!

There’s a boardwalk area that has a lot of restaurants, some shops, and a lot of people fishing, so it’s quite cute to walk around there.

Near the end of the boardwalk is Quality Seafood. It’s a pretty big establishment, since they have all kinds of seafood there. Everything is fresh, and it’s cooked right on the spot once you order. You can even pick which particular fish or crab you want. Since it’s super popular and they prepare the food right in front of you, there’s a bit of a wait, but if you’re a seafood person, it’s worth it. Below are pictures of just a fraction of the options there were to choose from.

We ordered a grilled pomfret, steamed shrimp, and garlic bread to share. It was delicious! I really liked both dishes, and the portions were large :) My aunt also recommended the dungeness crab, manila and little neck clams, and oysters, but we didn’t get them this time due to cost (crabs are expensive!) and shellfish allergies. Although I mention cost, this place is really cheap for seafood in LA. Our meal was less than $10 per person. If you’re craving good seafood and don’t want to break your wallet, this is the place. It is truly quality seafood ;D