RD Admissions Committee

RD Admissions Committee

DONE! We are done with regular decision committee!! Phew! After all the reading over the past 5 months, we have successfully processed all the undergraduate applications through committee. (The admissions officers still need to process transfers, international, etc.) It was a relatively easy morning, and we finished by lunchtime.

As happy as I am that we have finished putting together the class of 2014—I am pretty sad to not be reading for committee anymore. Admissions committee has been a big part of my upperclassmen years here at Caltech…and especially this year. It makes me feel good to know that I have personally helped shape the classes of students that have come to Caltech in the past years, and in the year to come when I have graduated. I am so lucky to have been involved in this process, thanks for having me admissions committee :) Anyway, I think I’m pretty much having a chill rest of the week after all this…I kinda need to recover. Not much homework….but finals are coming up soon!