Queens' Ergs

Queens' Ergs

Queens College hosts an annual erg competition for both novice and senior rowers, where a crew of 8 people ergs for 500 meters each. The competition is held in a gym full of rowing machines, with a leaderboard projected onto a huge screen at one end of the gym. For all of us, the adrenaline levels were through the roof. When one of us was on the machine, the coaches and other crew members would be constantly shouting encouragement and tips at us. Imagine the entire gym full of people screaming and cheering…that was Queens’ Ergs. We did really well at the start and were in first place for about half the race, but in the end we ended up 3rd in our group. Overall, it was a fun experience and good preparation for the Fairbairn’s competition, which is a novice boat race at the end of term.