Pre-Thanksgiving Happenings

Pre-Thanksgiving Happenings

Hiya, So my roommate and I decided to pick up some holiday lights at Lowe’s and decorate our apartment. It’s been chilly the past couple of days and definitely feeling like winter already here in Pasadena.

It was Ellen’s 21st birthday and the 50th Anniversary of the TV show Doctor Who :D She loves watching Doctor Who, so a few people baked her an awesome TARDIS cake.

I’m taking L170A this term (Introduction to Chinese) because although I’m ethnically Chinese, I do not speak Mandarin fluently, nor do I know how to read or write characters. My parents are from Hong Kong, so we speak Cantonese at home. Our professor kindly took us out this past Monday before Thanksgiving for a class lunch at Chang’s Garden in Arcadia. We tried our best to order in Mandarin, but Wang Lao Shi definitely helped us out a lot. The food was delicious and it was fun practicing our Mandarin.

I bake at least once a week, so for this week, I made banana chocolate chip pecan bread and oreo stuffed inside chocolate chip/M&M cookies. And of course with Thanksgiving tomorrow, I’ll be helping out at Avery House to cook turkey, make stuffing, and all the delicious fixings. I’ll post some pictures in my next post. I’m definitely ready for the break and am excited to see all the alums coming to visit. Last year, I was in London for study abroad, so I had class until 6 pm on Thanksgiving Day. Nevertheless, I organized Thanksgiving potluck style dinner in my flat with some other American exchange students and our friends. We didn’t have turkey, but I am thankful to have met all of them at UCL and still keep in touch with a few of them. Although I won’t be flying home to celebrate Thanksgiving with my family, I am thankful to be here at Caltech and for the friends I’ve made here. I hope that you have a lovely Thanksgiving break as well, wherever you may be.

Until next time, Jessica