Pre-Midterm Productivity, i.e. Hanging Out With the House

Pre-Midterm Productivity, i.e. Hanging Out With the House

Hellooooo! And welcome to the first installment of Adventures of an Ex-Prefrosh! As you can probably tell from other sources of information, my name is Anita and I’m a freshman here at Caltech. This is the weekend before midterms, when we frosh are supposed to be stressing out.

And stress we do! So I’ve been a good kid and had a nice, productive weekend so far:

After going with 24 other people in my house to see “Despicable Me 2” yesterday, I made an autumn offering out of fruits that I obtained from parental visits and open kitchen, as well as a pumpkin my roommate acquired at the Frosh Women lunch this Thursday.

I drew a mini-mural of San Diego and some of my favorite haunts on our whiteboard that hangs on the door. I’ve spent (ahem, wasted/procrastinated) about three hours on it so far. Since I’m working in the hallway, everyone comes by to chat and either see my work or admire the fact that I’m using dry-erase crayons I borrowed from a friend. (They are really good for color manipulation and I recommend this to anyone who is a kid, or at least partially a kid, on the inside.)

We had Zombie Night tonight, during which Venerable House dresses up as zombies and tries to break into Dabney. Of course, we did a house tour first of all the houses minus Avery, and banged on people’s doors and made dying cat noises for the fun of it. The Darbs’ effort was impressive–one door was barricaded by a line of tables that extended all the way to the wall on the other side. Eventually we broke in successfully and ate pizza together.

Now, for me, it’s back to math instead of going to the Hollyween party.

Call me a spoilsport…but midterms are calling first! (Terrible pun, I know.) I guess that’s why we have the party and celebrations on the 26th rather than the 31st because midterms fall right along then. It’s good that Caltech keeps us entertained, though. Otherwise we frosh would have a much harder time adjusting to the workload than we already did. The consequences of not being able to play in the orchestra due to night classes are already showing up in my math homework:

Thanks for reading! Till next time– Anita