Pool Party?

Pool Party?

Slightly over a week ago, the school year came to a close. Since Caltech is on the quarter system, we end slightly later than most schools, but this just means we have a later start date (I can maybe go apple picking in New York before I come back!). We also have the luxury of having each of our long breaks correspond with the end of term, meaning that once term ends we do not have to think about academics that much… Anyway, in honor of the end of our final term, my friends decided to host a pool party. However, this pool party was a little different…in fact, we did not even have a pool! We decided to bring a bunch of pool noodles, floaties, and even an inflatable whale to Millikan Pond, a large fountain in front of Millikan Library, the tallest building on campus. For a few years, the fountain lay empty due to the drought. However, since the drought has been declared over, it was refilled, and we took advantage.

Here I am floating in the pond!