Hey guys! I’m back, this time with stories and pictures from some special guests! It’s about time: The rest of the members of the Prefrosh Yield Committee and I have been waiting and planning for so long to finally get to meet some of our darling prefrosh. I led a costume competition icebreaker that was super fun, and I was really excited to see some of the creative costumes people came up with!

**The Theme:** Superheroes

**The Interpretation:** The Hardy-Weinberg equation is super because it keeps things in equlibrium!

**The Theme:**Animals

**The Interpretation:**A bug, a flamingo, a bird, a swan, and a turtle. (Bonus question: Which ones do we see at Caltech?)

**The Theme:**Science

**The Interpretation:**These girls love Benedict Cumberbatch, so they decided to be different parts of his cells that help keep him alive.

**The Theme:**Occupations

**The Interpretation:**The guy with the orange hat is a clown. Lady Gaga also made a guest appearance. Just so you know.

**The Theme:**What makes you nerdy?

**The Interpretation:**Space exploration! (She's a plane, see?)

**The Theme:**Welcome to Los Angeles

**The Interpretation:**Apparently we've got lots of flowers, Forever 21, celebrities, and a polluted ocean. Is that accurate? Come check it out yourself and see!

Quite a few daring prefrosh got to see Caltech the way it was meant to be seen: FROM A BOAT!They also bravely endured some epic battles between Batman and evil, of course. All in all, it was a great weekend, and I got to meet a lot of brilliant prefrosh with tough choices come May 1. It was an honor to host and talk to them and remember what it was like to be in their shoes last year. From my perspective, PFW was amazing and fun, and while that was a bit denser than typical Caltech life, I assure you, the people are the same brilliant, inspiring, humble souls that said hi during PFW. Best of luck with your choices! Keep lookin' up, Jenny.