Postcards from Jenny

Postcards from Jenny

Autumn is upon us, but this one in Southern California feels a little lackluster compared to that in Edinburgh last year…

Hi guys! As I’ve mentioned in my previous posts, I’m spending this term studying abroad in Edinburgh as part of one of Caltech’s amazing exchange programs! Fortunately, school started a little more than a week earlier for me than for my friends back at Caltech, which gave me extra time to soak in the amazing experience that is Edinburgh.

I’mparticularlygrateful that I’m here for autumn. The hipster in me likes to recall that even in second grade wheneveryone else liked summer for summer break and winter for the snow, my heart was always with autumn. You know autumn is coming when Pinterest is filled with pumpkin spice recipes, autumn leaf crafts, and hues of red and orange and gold. In Texas, autumn floats in on a zephyr that finally signals the end of the baking, summer season. Afternoon smells of apples and pumpkin pie, like the earth is finally relaxing after enduring the harsh smokehouse of summer. Air conditioning systems finally catch a break, and heaters prepare themselves during these last couple of weeks of their holiday. Windows crack open to draw autumn’s scent into houses. Candles flicker on counter tops and students pile into buses on the first day of school…

Perhaps my mind takes off and makes more of a Texan autumn than there really is. Edinburgh offers a fantastic autumn, though, and none of it requires my imagination. Here are a couple of photos I’ve taken from my walks to and from class. This one’s dedicated to all those who would totally get married in the fall (:

As seen on the walk home!♡❤♡❤♡

You know it’s Edinburgh when you see Edinburgh Castle!

Welcome to the Kings Buildings campus (where most of the science happens)! This is my daily walk to class. :D

i found this apple on my way home from class. There are a couple of apple trees that border the Kings Buildings campus. I rubbed this on my sleeve and ate it as a snack for the walk.

Shot this also on the border of KB campus.

On the walk home from class. Sunny afternoons here are different from the blinding SoCal sort. Afternoons are gentle and warm. (:

Found these flowers along the walk to the KB campus where I have most of my classes.

In the heart of the KB campus.

On the edge of the George Square central campus. I love how the trees got progressively more orange as I walked from the left-most tree to the position from which I took this photo.