Part Time Dog Walking

Part Time Dog Walking

Over the past year, I’ve been regularly dog-sitting for this cute maltese-poodle mix called Rocco. He has separation anxiety, which is why he has a diaper on in the first image. When I come visit, I take off the diaper, play with him, and take him on a walk. He’s such a cute dog! He always greets me by immediately rolling over for a belly rub.

I first got started walking dogs 2 years ago, when I signed up to do this part-time on an app called Rover. I started since I really wanted a dog, but Caltech’s housing policy doesn’t allow students to have dogs in the houses. I live off campus now, but my landlord also doesn’t allow pets in this apartment, unfortunately.

Dog walking is also a nice way to make some money while visiting cute dogs :) I don’t charge a lot, so I get $10 every time I go, but it’s a good way of de-stressing.