Page Ski Trip

Page Ski Trip

At the start of Winter Term, Page hosts a ski trip to Mammoth Mountains. The house books several cabins, and somewhere from 10-15 people stay in one room. Both full and social members can attend the trip, and it lasts from Thursday or Friday to Sunday of the first week of term.

Most people who drive up on Thursday go skiing on Friday, which is the highlight of the trip for me. Here’s a picture of me and Fabio about to go skiing! I’m more comfortable with skiing, but last year, I went snowboarding for the first time. I really want to try again since it was fun, but I want to take a proper lesson first.

This year, in addition to skiing, I went ice skating and went to these natural hot springs about 20 minutes drive out of Mammoth. Both were really fun! I have been on a Ge 136 trip before where we went to natural hot springs in the Mojave, and the water was much warmer. On that particular day, it was extremely windy, so unfortunately it was still a bit cold when sitting in the hot spring. The wind did die down as the day went on, so it felt a lot warmer and was nice.

At Ski Trip, people also go tubing or just hang out with each other in the cabins. This year, there wasn’t a lot of snow, so we didn’t have a snowball fight, but we did last year! Ski Trip is my favorite Page trip, so I was looking forward to it even when I was abroad. Now it’s time to go back to real school :P