Page Not-ski trip

Page Not-ski trip

So most houses do some sort of ski or beach-type trip. My house (Page) goes on an annual ski trip, though I didn’t go last year due to conflicts. This year, all my friends and I decided to go and due to the house subsidizing the trip, it only cost us 10 dollars. So on Friday afternoon (after classes, which I’ll talk about in another post), we packed warm clothes and headed to Mammoth Mountain, about 300 miles north and east of Caltech and significantly higher in elevation. We arrived around 9 and found our way into our condo. Page had rented a bunch of condos, each of which held about 10 people and had kitchens for cooking (yum!). Most of our car had eaten during the ride, so we got right into playing games and fun, though we went to bed fairly early so we could enjoy the next (full) day.

The next morning, we woke up to eggs being cooked and a mixture of different plans. Some people decided to go skiing or snowboarding… it is after all called ski trip. However, there were just as many people who either didn’t want to ski or didn’t want to pay for lift tickets and rentals (the 10 dollars only included lodging, not food or skiing… still an amazing deal!). I decided not to ski and instead we got bundled up to go play in the snow! It sounds silly, but playing in snow is so much fun. Despite having plenty of snow at home right before I left, it was still fun to run around exploring untouched snow, making snow angels, and attempting to make a snowman. The snow was way fluffier than I was used to and didn’t pack well, so our snowball fight sort of failed… oh well! Here’s a picture of my friend Christine and me (and frosh blogger Jenny without a head) with the head for our snowman: