Page Cocktail Party

Page Cocktail Party

Page Cocktail Party is an annual affair. Everyone in Page (who are all calledPageboys, regardless of gender) get fancy paper invitations and can bring guests. Page Cocktail Party is always held at a nice location on campus and features a bartender (who checks ID), a live band, a photobooth, delicious finger foods, and fun games! The drinks are traditionally named after Pageboys. The food this year included smoked salmon, various sausages, and a wide assortment of cheeses and crackers. The dress code is formal attire, and there is no fee to attend.

One game that I really enjoy watching is Newlyweds. Any pair of people can participate - it doesn’t have to be couples. The people in the pairs sit back to back and have to write down answers about their partner. Example questions include “How did you meet?” and “What is your partner’s favorite food?”. It’s fun to see how well people know each other. There is also a poker tournament, which is enjoyableto watch as well.

This year Cocktail Party was held in Crellin Courtyard, which is outdoors. Unfortunately it rained, so we had to move everything into the Page lounge. It was still agreat event though! (I didn’t take many pictures because the lighting was bad.)

Live band! (Sorry for the bad lighting.)