Packing Up

Packing Up

It’s the end of frosh year! Know what that means?

Packing up my life here.

Admittedly it is not as bad as the seniors, as I will be living on-campus next year. However, I’ve managed to acquire significantly more things through senior sales as well :P. I also have to think what I will be bringing with me to my Facebook University internship, so there are two separate piles of what to bring and what to leave.

Let me give you an idea of what it was like before this packing storm started:

It looks so nice right? The couch and floor are free of clutter, books are in their proper place on the shelf. And then, I started packing. The boxes were everywhere; clothes were out of the drawer and in open bags; there wasn’t space on the floor to even place my feet! I managed to fill 5 boxes and 3 bags with so many miscellaneous things: more than just clothes and kitchenware, but also linens, decorations, toiletries, my desk lamp…the list goes on for a while.

I am all packed up and moved now, but I’m going to miss my room and my roommate. She was a great companion to have through my first year of college, and I had so many late-night talks with her (actually those were the only times we were both up). And although I may try, my room next year won’t be as cozy without my roommate to keep it to her clean standards, that’s for sure!