More food adventures

More food adventures

A few more food adventures kicked off the beginning of summer for me; I promise I’ll get back to more productive matters in a bit.

First, for some incomprehensible yet scrumptious reason, Tom Mannion hosted yet another campus-wide food event, this time themed around delicious crabs. I only had time to sneak one picture of the one-per-person crabs, though the complementary dishes were also delicious. I managed to feed myself for three meals from the dinner alone! The macaroni pasta, the potato salad, hummus with pita,cookies galore

But wait, there’s more! I decided to bake for the first time ever, to return the favor of the friend that baked me white chocolate macadamia nut cookies. Since he’s known as the local cookie guru, I decided that I should return the favor with brownies. And of course, I couldn’t send him my first batch, so I made a batch for myself to check out the recipe and my own aptitude before making a second batch for him. The first batch is included below, my first ever effort at baking but certainly not my last!

And yes, there is one last update for those who remember what recently happened to my GPA, with the “two most important points of my Caltech career.” It turns out I actually gotthreepoints back on my final, out of 24 points, which was enough to bump me over the hump of the bell curve or something, because my final grade in the class happened to be an A-. This is super exciting, since this puts my term GPA for my hardest term at Caltech (my senior year will be more lax than this term) at a highly satisfactory 3.93. Not bad! This also gives me a chance to push my cumulative up to a 3.79,much more pleasant than a 3.75 (the reason it “gives me a chance” is because of the E11 class I am taking this summer, which I will discuss more with my next blog update about my final SURF experience).