1, 2, 3...JUMP!

1, 2, 3...JUMP!

Ouch! My back hurts from a whole lot of jumping this morning! I woke up early this morning to meet a photographer over at Millikan Pond to take dance action shots of me. Most of the shots were of me jumping in the air….and I was not sore…until 2 hours later.

I was approached by Dr. Carol Carmichael (First Lady of Caltech!) a few weeks ago and was asked if I would be interested in taking a senior portrait that would hang in the President’s House. Since she and President Chameau came to Caltech in 2006 (the same year I came in), they have had about 4-5 seniors from every graduating class take black and white portraits to hang in their home to commemorate and represent the class. It was such an honor—and of course I obliged. Even though all of the real portraits have yet to be uploaded–I have a few behind the scenes shots by my amateur spontaneous photographer/good friend, Andrew. :) I got to see some of the shots taken by the photographer, Louis Felix, and I was super surprised to see how well they turned out…can’t wait to see all shots…and which one President Chameau and Dr. Carmichael choose to put up. Louis and I discussing the composition of the shots and the possible locations…

Setting up the lights at this location…


and POSE!

Switching locations and giving more variety..

It’s hard coming up with new jumps that will translate well in photographs…I seemed to almost always default to this one…

Louis was awesome to work with and really gave me good direction

Wait, you want me to jump on the bridge?–what if I fall in!!?!

Louis sent me one of the pictures from the shoot in the black and white…It looks GREAT

So–yup..that was my morning..now I gotta go give my back a rest :P Have a great weekend everybody!