OPI, Island Paradise

OPI, Island Paradise

It turns out that the work load here is pretty tough, and I must apologize for not necessarily posting exactly at the time events happen. I do have a lot to talk about though, and since I have a 13-hr flight back to the States (from Korea during spring break- there’ll be a post about that later perhaps), I figure I can write a few on the plane ride.

First off, I think I’ll finish the natural sequence to my last blog about building OPI. Meaning this blog will be about the actual party.

If you take a look at my last blog you’ll see how far we were just 2 days before the party. Needless to say, we pulled it all together at the last minute. I have never been part of, nor seen for that matter, such an intricate set up for a party, and it feels great to have helped build it. And though I did not help much with art, I have got to say, that’s what really makes the presentation awesome.

The entrance.

**We also had fog coming out of the volcano at points, but unfortunately I didn’t have my camera during the party to take a picture. I was cool though.

Our wonderful plane. You may not believe me but the propellers spun! I was completely not expecting that so when I found out I was pretty excited.

The DJ’s hut.

The party itself was great. At least better than many I’ve been to, but that may just be the people I was with. Overall, it was fun to get out, relax and dance- even though the music wasn’t particularly great. The food was amazing though! (Part of my enthusiasm may be because I am really hungry right now… but it was pretty good.) We had free milkshakes for people coming to the party, and a whole spread of fruit and finger food on a table. Plus three professional bartenders handled all the drinks.

The inside:

The last two pictures are the left and the right of the dining room respectively. It’s a little empty in these pictures since the party hadn’t really started yet. The milkshake station was against the back wall, and was only up during the party.

There were also paper mache made parrots placed around the party at points. If you didn’t notice, there are three in the pictures above. The one below hung above the piano and had about a three foot wing span.

All I’ve got to say is I really enjoyed my milkshake, and the fruit was delicious. The fruit display was actually really interesting- I thought we just had extra pineapples for display, but in fact they had been cored and only the empty shell was on display.

At the end of the party someone pulled the fire alarm and though it was effective in clearing out the party, security was having trouble turning it off. In the end, the wire for the sound was cut and we only had to deal with the flashing lights from the fire alarms.

It was a good night I’d say.