Off Campus Adventures

Off Campus Adventures

Hello again!

I’ve been venturing off campus less and less recently, bogged down with work and job applications. This weekend, though, I was given two fantastic opportunities to go off campus and explore a bit of LA, for free!

On Saturday, the night after our XC meet at Pomona, Tom Mannion (the Director of Student Affairs) secured movie tickets for the team, to go watch The Magnificent Seven. I rarely see movies (because who has the time, also I don’t have a car), so I jumped at the chance. I was one of the only ones who jumped though, as only 4 members of the XC team ended up going! There were so few of us that Tom took us out for Pho in Alhambra afterwards.

The next day was Page House’s planned Fall Beach Trip. We do a second Beach Trip during Spring term, which is a three-day event, for which we rent out a large house in Carlsbad, CA, and spend a weekend off campus. During Fall term we go to Huntington Beach, in Orange County, just for one day. It’s a good chance to get off campus, take advantage of being so close to the beach (because we rarely do!) and play some non-competitive volleyball. I almost didn’t go, because I was going to spend the entire day doing homework, but I’m so glad I went.

I’m back from the beach now, eating leftover Pho from Saturday night and catching up on all of the homework I was going to do during the day today! How was your weekend?