No we aren't too old to have a pinata

No we aren't too old to have a pinata

Last weekend we celebrated Nadia’s 22nd birthday. The festivities included delicious homemadeflautasand cake, a Batman pinata, and a game called Mexican Train Dominos.

I wanted to get Nadia a present, and since she just moved into a new apartment and doesn’t have many appliances/kitchen items, I thought a tea kettle, tea bags, and hot cocoa mix would be appreciated. I will probably use it myself when I’m over there…

Here are some pictures from the night! Nadia with her cake :)

and her parents

Nadia and Amy

Erick, Nadia’s younger brother, beating up on the Batman pinata

Adorable Jacky the Beagle, the family puppy

Sadly, I didn’t get a picture of the Mexican Train Dominoes. But trust me - it’s a fun game. If you get a chance to play, I’d recommend it!

All in all, a very fun night :) Sarah