New Year, New Me

New Year, New Me

Man, 2019 feels like it was just yesterday.

See, I’m hilarious, I promise.

Happy new year y’all! It is 2020, and with that I figured it was time to chat about the great New Year’s Eve barbeque that I prepared with my best friend from home, Morgan. Actually there isn’t exactly too much too explain. Morgan was a bit sad that I’d missed what I’d generally consider to be my favorite holiday, the 4th of July, and we decided to make up for it by having a good ol’ fashioned charcoal grill-out. With the one caveat being that it was Denver in December, so it was absolutely frigid. We still managed to assemble all the essentials, a bunch of friends, burgers cheese, chilli, potato salad, chips, soda, and some nice music. And we all huddled around a space heater and enjoyed out turkey burgers. I decided to head out a bit early to catch some Zs and a Waffle House waffle.

New Year’s day was a bit more of an adventure. I fenced in a tournament and ended up making top 8 in foil and top 16 in the other two weapons (all of these events with 40+ people). But it was also a bit bittersweet because my big brother left for Japan and so I didn’t get to spend that extra bit of family time with him.

I think next year is going to be pretty great. I’m going back to Tech, I’m fencing better than I ever have, and life is going to be good. I have a lot of goals for the next year, but the one that I’ll share with y’all is that I want to finish my book. For the last two years now I’ve been working on a wee collection of short stories. It’s written in a minimalist style a lot like Carver, my favorite author. Although I haven’t quite been able to replicate it completely, I like to think that I’ve been able to combine a lot of the styles I’ve read into something that’s truly excellent. But it still has to be finished and I’d be lying if I said I didn’t have a bit of a ways to go on that. And that’s why in writing, on this blog, that I’m going to finish this book. And it’s going to be a dang good time. So cheers to that! Hopefully hindsight is 2020, –Chandrew