My Thesis

My Thesis

For this past week, I have been working incessantly on my final draft of my Senior Thesis. It’s a little under 40 pages, and sums up the work I’ve been doing at JPL since October. The last experiment was conducted this past Monday…and that data was thrown into the holes I had in my paper. These past couple of days has been devoted to filling all of those holes and putting all the pieces together from my data analyses. It’s hard to believe that my document that once started as short deliverables due every couple of weeks has been compiled and edited to become a thick, hefty report, that I will have to defend in a presentation next Wednesday. What really psyched me out was when I fixed it up and cleaned up the title page, acknowledgments and table of contents…it was not a word document any longer, but a THESIS. Just funny to see my name on something official-looking LOL. And for the first time in my Caltech career, my name was put onto a poster my thesis advisor will bring to a conference in Barcelona this summer for the work we’ve been doing on the Venus Testing.

Can’t show you too much (Proprietary Info!)…but I can show you the title page and the header for the poster :D…

I just wanna get this done! So I can focus on the presentation next week….and FINALLY open my iPAD! (I know…I’ve withheld opening it since I know I don’t want to be’s been HARD!) Here I am working in my office—just kidding…outside the bookstore, my usual spot to work on my thesis when its nice outside

Anyway…I hope you guys have a fun Memorial Day weekend! I already saw the SATC2 movie when it premiered Wednesday night at Midnight…but I’m sure I’ll find something to do to relax…including attending my house’s interhouse party, BFP this Sunday ;)