

There’s a society in Cambridge for the appreciation of chocolate.

No, no, let me reiterate. I want to make sure we’re on the same page here.


Now, see, this was a surprise to me. I was meandering through the Cambridge Society Fair (it’s a MASSIVE club fair, takes up a huge tent in a park plus the massive floorspace of a local gym) looking for interesting things to do, not looking for anything in particular. I passed by the Caving Society, which I talked about earlier, various political socities taking every viewpoint imaginable, the incredibly prestigious and incredibly expensive debate society, the Cambridge Union, and a plethora of other clubs before happening upon a small stand nestled by the two school newspapers verbally duking it out. Their sign proclaimed that they were the Cambridge Chocolate Society, offering two smiling faces, a sign up sheet, and a plate of some absolutely delectable chocolate. Join, they sad, and pay nigh inconsequential fees for the chance to come together and enjoy some incredible chocolate.

Apparently they got funding for this.

I think I gave them a weird look in between stuffing my face with their chocolate.

My incredible weakness to cocoa aside, I realized that with a university the size of Cambridge, there was a solid chance a society for nearly everything could emerge. Gather enough people together, discover mutual love of chocolate, simple back of the envelope calculation to see if they can afford it, and bam, there’s the idea for a chocolate society for all to enjoy.

And enjoy I did. Fancy chocolate tastings, hot chocolate tastings, christmas party, it was all just a wonderful display of decadent delights, all for incredibly cheap membership fees. I wish I had some sort of moral lesson or speech I could pull out of this to make a meaningful and thought provoking blog post, but nope, sometimes I just want to tell you about chocolate. Seriously, if you ever decide to study abroad at Cambridge, just join the chocolate society. It’s cheap, it’s not a huge time committment, and you get so much chocolate.

I can’t even conclude this blog post properly, because there isn’t really a point to this one, I just wanted to share; so this post is short, sweet, and happy. Much like chocolate.
