Midterms week!

Midterms week!

Hello loyal readers! Sorry for being a bit absent from the cyber world this week. As you can tell from the title of this post, it’s midterm week. Midterm week is a bit hectic around here. Even finals week is much nicer than midterm week because professors don’t give exams and problem sets simultaneously during finals.However, it’s Sunday evening so I am finally done with all my midterms–chemistry, math, and physics quiz. On top of midterms, I also spent a large portion of my weekend on the tennis courts and in lab.

The women’s tennis team played Chapman this weekend. We lost in a tough battle. On a brighter note, the men’s tennis team played Occidental College this weekend too. They won their match. It’s the first time in over a decade that the men’s team has beaten Occidental! The best part about being on tennis team (other than the amazing people on the team and getting to represent Caltech) is the food. Coach always makes sure that we’re well fed and often I have enough left overs from team dinner to last me through the rest of the weekend. Through team dinners I have also sampled quite a variety of restaurants. So far Chipotle and Which Wich are at the top of my list for nice quick weekend restaurants.

It’s been a good weekend and I got a few nice shots of campus.

As busy as life is here at Caltech, it does get somewhat repetitive. There are some weeks when nothing is worth writing about, so feel free to comment and ask me any questions you have!