Midterms Baking of Cupcakes

Midterms Baking of Cupcakes

As a UpperClassman Counselor (UCC) in Blacker House, we always have an event called Midterms Baking - and although I call it an event, it’s more like UCCs just bringing baked goods around the house during midterms week. However, this term is the last term that Midterms Baking will be offered - at least as part of the UCC program. UCCs are being replaced with another role: Peer Advocates (PAs). Although they might have Midterms Baking in the future as well, this was the last time that I will participate in it in any official capacity.

I actually haven’t done it before, and I was apprehensive that I might not bake enough. So I made a full recipe of my family’s chocolate (cup)cake recipe - as opposed to the half recipe that I usually make. It yielded 36 cupcakes in total, which I thought should probably cover demand. However I forgot to take into account the other baked goods that we would be bringing around: cinnamon rolls, cookie dough and brownies, just to name a few. So really, I made plenty.