Meet the Rangel Gang!

Meet the Rangel Gang!

I met a little neighbor Girl:** She was eight years old, she said;** Her hair was soft with nary a curl** That fell long to her hip from her head. She had a bright, inquisitiveair,** And she was daintly clad:** Her eyes were fair, and very fair;** –Her youth made me so glad. “Parents and brothers, little Maid,** How many may you be?”** “How many? Four in all,” she said** And wondering looked at me. –adapted by yours truly from “We are Seven” by William Wordsworth

Hey guys! Professor Rangel and his darling family moved in recently as our new Faculty in Residence (FIR). Because of its size, Avery is the only house that offers apartments for faculty. Often, the faculty that move in are those interested in learning more about student life and getting involved. Last year, our two FIRs were Professor Dabiri and Professor Snowberg. The former is now our new undergraduate dean and the latter our new Master of Student Houses. For the frosh me, it was really fun to have faculty as neighbors and friends. We had dinner together, and I saw baby Solomon Snowberg grow little by little and learn to toddle around in his striped onesies.

So you can see, it was as bittersweet to see the Dabiris move out at the beginning of the summer as it was exciting to see the Rangels move in at the end of the summer. The Rangels are four, Antonio (the prof), Kate, Morgan, and Mateo. They invited us to dinner with them at the Ath al Fresco, which is particularly delightful in the summer because SoCal means sitting outside in perfect weather for really good food and hide-and-seek while waiting.

Dr. Antonio Rangelis a professor in the Humanities and Social Sciences Department. He’s also a friendly Spaniard with a hearty laugh.

Kate is a sweet and fun mom who writes scripts for movies like Legally Blonde 2. How cool is that? Whether she wants to or not, she’s already like a mom to the rest of us, too. :P Morgan is newly eight and plays soccer and collects troll dolls and snow globes. She doesn’t hesitate to tell John (who lives across the hall) to stop singing when she’s trying to tell me about the Simpsons.

Mateo is adorable and draws dinosaurs for me. Here’s a picture of a dinosaur tooth, by the way. I was told to share this with anyone who visited my room and anyone really, so here ya go:

I’m really grateful for these fun neighbors. It really adds a familiar family aspect to the house life. Definitely looking forward to this coming year and chilling with this great gang. (: Keep lookin’ up, Jenny.