Meet Our Bloggers

Meet Our Bloggers

Options: Geophysics and English

House Affiliation: Fleming

Andrew is freshman from Denver, Colorado (the land of Patagonia jackets and unpredictable weather). At Caltech he is the fencing team foil squad captain and SAAC representative, a member of chemistry club and ultimate frisbee team, and the Fleming House food committee representative. In his free time, he likes to hike, write poetry, shoot photos, and explore LA for trendy food.

Option: Chemistry

House Affiliations: Fleming and Venerable

Ciara hails from the small town of Niceville, FL (which, before you ask, is actually a real place). She is a senior triene to graduate with a bachelor’s in chemistry. When she’s not using 200 proof ethanol in lab, she enjoys drinking pH 14 beverages. After graduating, she hopes to get a Ph.D. in alchemy and make the sorcerer’s stone. But, in the meantime enjoy her attempts at weaving bad chemistry puns into weekly blog entries.

Option: Computation & Neural Systems

House Affiliation: Page

Madelyn is a sophomore majoring in Computation and Neural Systems (CNS) from Foster City, California. In her free time, she enjoys going to local coffee shops, making scrapbooks, playing catch, and sewing. At Caltech, she is involved in Robogals, plays cello in a chamber group, does research in a lab, and tutors at the Hixon Writing Center. Find her online @maddieiee on Instagram for more photos!

Option: Computer Science

House Affiliations:Avery and Blacker

Mei-Ling is a native Chicagoan (from the city!) and still misses the winter season. She is part of the intercollegiate volleyball and fencing teams. When not dying over sets, she likes talking with friends and going to the 3D printing lab on campus. Mei-Ling is also an upperclassman counselor (UCC) and Vice President of Blacker Hovse.

Option: Undeclared

House Affiliation: Avery

Noelle is a Texan who used to love cold weather, but ever since the first month in sunny SoCal, anything sub-sixty degrees sends her into shock. Besides the sunshine, her favorite thing about living in Pasadena is having mountains in her backyard. When she’s not struggling through sets, she likes to hike, bake, play soccer, and take pictures. She participates in the Caltech Christian Fellowship, volunteers with Robogals, and writes for The Tech, the campus newspaper.

Options: Computer Science and Business, Economics, & Management (BEM)

House Affiliations: Fleming and Venerable

Hi everyone! I’m Sakthi Vetrivel from Seattle, WA (Let’s go Seahawks!). I’m a member of the Class of 2019 with a dual membership in Fleming and Venerable, and a CS/BEM double major. I’m the 2017-18 ASCIT President, captain of the volleyball team, and an upperclassman counselor. So if you have any questions about student government or intercollegiate athletics at Caltech, feel free to tune into to my biweekly ramblings.

Options: Computation & Neural Systems and Geobiology

House Affiliation: Blacker

Sarah is a CNS and geobiology major from Westchester, NY. She is the ASCIT Treasurer, Blacker Title IX Coordinator, UCC, Health ad in training, Board of Controls representative, and sits on Blacker excomm as a librarian and a social team representative. When she’s not studying rocks and brains, she likes cooking, playing with her pet snakes and crabs, going to the gym, hiking, and having fun with friends.

Option: Electrical Engineering

House Affiliation: Lloyd

Sunny is from Vancouver, BC where it rains over 200 days a year. At Caltech, she serves on the excomm of the Caltech Y and Society of Women Engineers, and plays piano with the chamber music program. When she is not doing sets and lab work, she enjoys hiking, shopping, cooking, drawing, and scouring the internet for items to add to her never-ending bucket list.

Option: Biology

House Affiliations: Venerable and Avery

Victoria is from New Jersey, where people enjoy Playa Bowls and good bagels. She is a pre-med involved with RISE tutoring, Pipettes a cappella, Health Advocates, and neuroscience research. She can often be found chilling and reading in Pasadena coffee shops and Avery lounges. Her favorite activities include stuffing her face with yummy food, hanging out with friends, traveling, watching movies / TV shows, and folding origami.

The opinions expressed by Caltech bloggers and commenters are theirs alone, and do not necessarily represent the views or policies of The California Institute of Technology or its employees. Caltech makes no representations about the accuracy of the information presented in its blogs.