Manning a Booth at a College Fair is DIFFICULT

Manning a Booth at a College Fair is DIFFICULT

I just got back from an exhausting 3 hours at the NACAC (National Association of College Admissions Counselors) college fair for the greater Los Angeles area. It was here in Pasadena---over at the convention center, so it was close by :) There were about 250 other schools in attendance, and thousands of high school students and their families. I was sent as the representative for the Caltech booth by the admissions office...and I was so nervous! I had never done a COLLEGE FAIR before, though they assured me it would be like answering questions and giving information about Caltech. Here I am headin' in--I was SUPER NERVOUS at this point...don't want to disappoint these high school kids.

I set up my booth with lots of information for people to was nearly all gone by the end of the night!