Last Days at Facebook

Last Days at Facebook

Our last week at Facebook, we rushed to finish our apps and populate it with data for the demo before finally showing them to all of the students that partook in the Facebook University program. My team made a mad dash to finish the UX and UI in the last couple of days (even the morning of!) and we were trying to put in new posts and data for our app so that it looked nice enough to show. It was all completed in the end (although it is unfortunate that we weren’t able to show one of the features of our app due to the 2 minute time limit) and we were happy with the result of our hard work over the last 5 weeks.

However, the demo was on Wednesday, which left until the end of Friday for us to do whatever we wanted at Facebook. My friends and I (as well as many of the other Facebook University students) found ourselves at the Analog lab making cards, risograph prints, and buttons. After making a card for my mentor/manager who helped us throughout the experience, I helped Tiffany to make the buttons which she designed for herself, my roommate and me.

I was definitely sad to leave Facebook, as my experience there was really fun and I learned a lot of different things that I wouldn’t have learned through classes at Caltech. From the amazing food, to the friendly and genial people I met during my summer, I don’t think I could have used my freshman summer in a better way.