Last Dance

Last Dance

Sorry I didn’t post until now—I have been so busy with the show and resting after the show…I haven’t gotten a chance to show all the wonderful pictures that were taken backstage and onstage Friday and Saturday night.

This being my final dance show at Caltech—I definitely got emotional and nostalgic after the performances. I have been dancing for so long, and my journey ends here at Caltech. I remember coming in as a freshman and being the only undergrad interested in dancing–it wasn’t until my junior year when I finally met underclassman dancers. The program has really expanded since I came and I am sad to leave now. Just wanted to let my dance girlies know that I am so happy to have worked with you all and had so much fun.

I also want to thank all of my friends and family who came out to support me during this dance show and my previous ones. You guys are AWESOME!