Japantown Flavors

Japantown Flavors

Before rotation, before frosh camp, and before all the prefrosh arrived, I wanted a day of relaxation and enjoyment. So, a friend and I made plans for an outing to Japantown! Although, when I say plans, that is a very rough sense of the word. We knew we wanted to go into LA, and we picked Japantown beforehand. But we had no idea what we were going to do or even when we were going to go.

We did indeed start the day pretty late: leaving for Japantown in the early afternoon and arriving far later than when we should have been having lunch. Being so late in the day, we were starving for food, but the ramen place that we went to had an hour wait. So what better way to pass the time than to spoil our appetite with frozen yogurt? The store was right next door, so we could enjoy our treat while waiting in anticipation for our real meal.

The restaurant finally called our names, and we sat at the counter of Shin-Sen-Gumi watching the cooks make the bowls of appetizing ramen in front of us. Eating there is very cool because when ordering toppings for the ramen, they come on the side so the whole table can share. Not only that, but the broth is delicious, and the ramen is made so well. Before digging in, we were able to restrain our hunger for long enough to take some pretty (and) basic photos of our food.

After such a large meal, we could barely walk out of the restaurant! Despite this, we managed a little walk around Japantown; we went into a few stores, and had some fun looking at all the anime, cosplay, and model merchandise they had on sale.