It's here!!!!

It's here!!!!

We interrupt your regularly-scheduled cooking to bring you a special message: It’s here!! It’s actually here!!!

List contents:

  • 1 Red Seedless Watermelon
  • 1lb Assorted Potato
  • 4 Valencia Orange
  • 2 Hass Avocado
  • 4 White nectarine
  • 1 cnt Regular Apricot
  • 1lb Sweet Gypsy Pepper
  • 1 Purple Globe Eggplant
  • 1 Nantes Carrot
  • 1 Romaine Lettuce


Wow!! Hold on a second, you ask. Why do I have a box and why am I being so excited about it? Well, six days ago, I signed up for Farm Fresh to You, a CSA that delivers fresh, organic produce from local farms right to your doorsteps. The produce changes depending on what the farms produce, so your food changes with the season. It’s pretty cheap, too, with a cost of $31.50 for a regular-sized box (the one I ordered). You can choose different sorts of boxes, too–for example, you can get a fruit only box, or a vegetable only box. Not only do you get to support local, small, organic farms, you also never have to go out and buy groceries again! The produce is normally delivered right to your door, but since Caltech housing is gated, I gave them super janky instructions to deposit the box in Dabney House gardens. Seeing the box sitting in the gardens this morning was like getting a Christmas present! I was too excited and forgot to take photos of the newly-delivered box in the garden, but I’ll try to remember to take a photo next week…

I’m going to steal one of the nectarines and take it with me to JPL to eat because 7am is too early of a time to be awake. Note to readers: If anyone wants to order a box for themselves/their mom/whatever, you should contact me because you can get a $10 discount for your first box if you’re referred!