It's All In the Presentation(s)

It's All In the Presentation(s)

We are nearing the end of finals week for winter term. Only a few more days until SPRING BREAK! In terms of finals, I have three presentations, two written reports and a one-hour final. Pretty chill, if you ask me…

I have pretty much finished up…and have already passed the biggest hurdle of finals week this Monday, when I had two presentations back to back (the first at 1:30pm and the next at 2:20pm). All I have now is the progress report on my thesis left….am thinking I might head to Starbucks tomorrow morning to finish it up in one sitting.

Here are a few pictures of my E102 group working through the night preparing our presentation we gave today…and a few of us presenting. We presented our work we have done this term coming up with a business model and proposal for our entrepreneurship class.

Sorry for such a short post…but I’ll be back later this week :)