It wasn't me!!

It wasn't me!!

Even though winter break has already begun, I have stayed behind for a few days at Caltech instead of rushing back home to San Diego. I decided to work at JPL Monday and Tuesday to squeeze in an experiment before coming back in January. Nothing too crazy though–I ran a test on some insulation material in an oven for about 4 hours on Monday…and in between checking it, I read through one of my favorite magazines (I have 4 waiting in my queue to read since I have been too busy with work and finals to read them!) Setting up my experiment….

The highlight of the day was—THE HUGE POWER OUTAGE that occurred around 2pm that day due to a large transformer blowing up and affecting half of the JPL campus. Many people went home, since the transformer caused all the computers, internet, etc to shut down and there were major repairs to be made. When the lights went out–I hurried down the hill to check to see if my experiment was affected. What a waste if it was!! —But I was very lucky, and building 158 (and consequently my 4 hour test) was unharmed. I did, however, have to read my Glamour Magazine by natural light through the window (and it has been gloomy this entire past week).

In my defense–I know I’m the new kid in town here at JPL—and it was my first day…but I had absolutely nothing to do with the power outage (though my thesis advisor teases me about it). I was actually in the women’s restroom when it happened—and there were no flood lights. So when it became pitch black in there….I panicked. It took me a few minutes to navigate myself out of there. Ohhh, good times..

I’m leaving Pasadena now–and headed down to San Diego….just in time for my younger sister’s Winter Choir Concert!