End of the 2014 Fall Term! At Last!

End of the 2014 Fall Term! At Last!

It feels incomplete to jump to winter break without explaining what happened for the rest of fall term, so I shall give a quick, picturesque summary.

Weekend food at Tea Sports, the local Chinese-Taiwanese place down past PCC (Pasadena City College: Taiwanese fried chicken rice with boba.

A snapshot from Big Interhouse, the all-8-dorms, collaborative, build-it-yourself party that Caltech throws every two years. The construction is pretty amazing, even though it was all done in less than 3 weeks!

Can’t have a party without food. Here is a rainbow cupcake from the Venerable-Dabney Houses’ Wizard of Oz party.

Then we went on Thanksgiving break, which was pretty much an excuse for me to pig out on sushi buffets…

And other things…

And for stores to start celebrating Christmas early. Holidays, on any occasion, are quite profitable…

Though I did cheat our local store out of buying a card by making my own for my dad’s birthday:

After break, Caltech’s accapella groups held their winter concert!

Finals week entropy on my desk:

And that was it for the rest of term. Next post: The many exciting things one can do when on winter break and away from campus!

Till next time,
