International Women's Day

International Women's Day

Happy belated International Women’s Day!

Ok, very belated. We celebrated on March 8th, but I only just got around to writing a blog post about it :P This year Caltech celebrated IWD with the help of a bunch of our student clubs and organizations. Cece, a Rudd, contacted the Caltech Center for Diversity a few weeks before IWD with the idea to host a big, campus-wide event, and Erin-Kate from the CCD contacted me (as President of the Feminist Club) to help out. Cece did an incredible job. She organized a big club fair on the San Pasquale Walk (past the dining hall, Chandler) during lunch time, complete with a speaker session where members of the Caltech Community could share onstage why they were “bold for change” (the theme of this year’s IWD). Each club at the fair had a table and some signs, flyers, or handouts to explain why they supported IWD and what they did on campus to celebrate women. The Feminist Club was there, and so was the Caltech Athletics department (represented by both athletic trainers and a handful of coaches), Women in Physics, Mathematics, and Astronomy, PRISM (the LGBTQ+ student group), the International Students Association, and many more.

The Feminist Club made buttons celebrating famous female role models. We included Admiral Grace Hopper, Michelle Obama, Justices Sonia Sotomayor, Elena Kagan, and Ruth Bader Ginsburg, Mario Curie, Ada Lovelace, Malala Yousafzai, Anita Hill, and a handful of others.

We were all out of buttons by the end of the day! If you would like one (or a few!), come to our table at the club fair during Prefrosh Weekend. We’ll makeplenty more by then!