Intern Field Day 2018

Intern Field Day 2018

Facebook gives their interns so many opportunities to have fun. A really big event they hold is called Intern Field Day. Facebook had the same event last year, and the format of the day hasn’t changed much. The day is split into 3 parts, where each of the 4 teams that interns have been split into play against the other 3 in sports and games such as dodgeball, soccer, capture the flag, and other classic team games. The teams get points depending on their wins and losses, and whoever showed more spirit in playing their game.

While the format didn’t change, the teams have. Last year the team names were based off of the 4 sayings that Facebook has, and this year teams were far more lighthearted. They were themed as board games: Operation, Battleship, Monopoly, and Candyland. A good spread of games.

I was on Operation, which unfortunately had yellow as their team color. I’m sorry to say, I don’t really like yellow. In fact, that field day shirt is now the only piece of clothing in yellow that I have. Yes, before the shirt, I didn’t have any yellow clothes.

Anyway, I found the day fun and entertaining for many different reasons this year. I am glad that I got to play the sport that I like: volleyball. Afterwards, I did not continue to embarrass myself trying to play in sports that I can only marginally play. Instead, I chose to play with giant inflatable basketballs (they were literally 4ft in diameter) and race with my friends on the slides and race course. I definitely had a lot of fun that day. And amazingly enough, Operation came out as the winning team. Good thing I didn’t contribute much, otherwise it might have gone the other way.