Infinity Mirror Workshop

Infinity Mirror Workshop

This Sunday, many of the upperclassmen put together a workshop for anyone who wanted to make an infinity mirror. This is basically a framed mirror with lights going around the edges that looks like it goes on forever, while you look back at yourself. It was around a two hour workshop where one could assemble everything needed. At every station, there were upperclassmen to help people (especially the frosh) assemble the frame, solder the arduino, put the film on the class and load some light patterns onto the LEDs.

I was also a participant of this because I thought it looked really cool. It was the first time that I had soldered anything, but Anne and Annie, two EE upperclassmen, were there to help everyone whether they had experience or no. Before listening to their explanation, I hadn’t actually known that solder was actually a zinc material that glued wires together to conduct electricity. The whole process was really cool, because we could build something all the way through while asking for help along the way. Not all projects are like this, I know, but I hope that the workshop encourages more frosh to try and make their own little projects.