Important Life Achievements, Just in Time for the End of the Year

Important Life Achievements, Just in Time for the End of the Year

Here are some very important life goals I managed to achieve as winter break drew to a close this year:

  1. Got my permit so I can finally start driving. I’d forgotten that lines at government offices could grow so long… I also learned that a permit was a flimsy piece of paper and not a solid ID card like I’d thought (guess I’ll have to apply for the ID separately…)

  2. Stuffed my backpack completely to the brim with 13 books, the majority of them hardcover. It now resembles a cube more than a backpack-shaped container. Whoo!

  1. Ate hedgehogs. Not literally. These are traditional Chinese meatballs covered in rice, to be completely honest. Absolutely delicious and very cute!
  1. Made only 1 New Year’s Resolution: To eat a bit of everything my mom cooked and put on this table. No obsessive list-making for me this year!
  1. Seen snow. In sunny San Diego! Granted, it was 3000-4000 feet up high in the mountains, but it still counts!

That’s all for now. Happy end-of-2014, everyone! Till next time! Anita