I'm ready for my close-up!

I'm ready for my close-up!

TGIF!!!! I am sooo happy it’s the weekend!–I am too excited! I’ve got an action packed weekend..which I will definitely be blogging about on Monday. I had a rough week—I had some pressure systems safety training at JPL, that intense set due on Wednesday, yoga and 2 dance classes last night (I’m so sore at the moment!), and meetings with a professor and my E102 group to prepare for our midterm presentation. On my way across campus—I noticed that a filming crew has completely taken over the Athenaeum (remember my post on the fancy shmancy dinner I had there with Caltech Alumni Donors?) There are a ton of filming crews that come out periodically to our campus throughout the year (grrr—its frustrating when I find out as I am giving my tour across campus or am headed to class and find out it’s blocked off). Greek (that ABC show) and Numb3rs (its based on our campus!) film regularly—There are also scenes from The Wedding Planner, Ugly Betty (both at the Athenaeum), Legally Blonde (Millikan Pond in the opening scene!) that were filmed on the Caltech campus. Our campus is just so close to Hollywood, and picturesque, and pretty calm/quiet….its no wonder filming here is like a dream for them. My dream?–to be an extra!!! please please please?!?!? hehehe Well–I did make my official debut on TV last year, when I got casted—as the Captain of the Caltech Team on the game show, Family Feud. We competed with about 7 other universities from around the country. It was so much fun! …and I still have the recording on the DVR back home :D Here are few pictures I snapped as I walked by the Ath….

All right–gotta go enjoy the weekend…see you guys next week!