“If I be waspish, best beware my sting.”

“If I be waspish, best beware my sting.”

Hiya! :D So this is the 2nd week of classes-CHEM3205 (Principles and Methods of Organic Synthesis) here is really interesting and is definitely the most challenging course for me here. The lecturer moves pretty quickly, but I enjoy learning about the mechanisms and figuring out how to synthesize molecules with Pd complexes. HART1401 (Renaissance Art in London) is also quite interesting. I went to the National Gallery for class and really enjoyed the environment of having class in at a museum. It really is a unique experience.

Everyone reads Shakespeare in middle and/or high school. I remember reading a bunch of plays and poems by him. Well, since my birthday was this week, my childhood friend Irina who is studying graphic design in London treated Carrie and me to see Taming of the Shrew live at The Globe Monday! Tickets were only a fiver for standing in the yard. It had been raining all day, and I was worried it’d be cold, wet, and tiring standing for 3 hours to see a play. I was completely wrong. Taming of the Shrew was ABSOLUTELY AMAZING. We were lucky that the rain let up and there was only a slight sprinkle after the intermission. I loved how the actors interacted and engaged the audience. It was truly magical. I read and saw a film of Taming of the Shrew in middle school; seeing this live performance really brought back memories for Irina and me. If you are ever in London during summer or fall (they stop production after this upcoming Saturday), I highly recommend it. And yes, you should stand in the yard. It’s the best way to experience the play. :D

I also went to see Perks of Being a Wallflower and ate at PizzaExpress for dinner with Kalpana to take advantage of Orange’s Wednesdays 2 for 1 deal. Logan Leeman as Charlie was really great and the movie was pretty good. I haven’t read the book (this is the first film adaptation of a book I have seen before reading the actual book), so I can’t really compare, but I would recommend going to see it. We headed back and did some work. I later ended up baking Snickerdoodles with Carrie and Ellie (my neighbor across the hall) to share with everyone for my birthday. None of the British freshers have ever heard of or tried Snickerdoodles before, but they really liked them.

Thursday morning I woke up to a large sign made by Panarat and Kalpana wishing me a Happy 21st Birthday :D However, it must have violated some fire safety rule because when I came back from class, it was gone. Luckily I got a quick snapshot:

I’ll be going to Les Miserables later tonight-super excited for my first musical! I find that being here in London is similar to being in Pasadena/LA in the sense that there is so much to do and so much culture. I have to head out to class now, but I’ll tell you guys all about my experience at Les Miserables in my next post.

Jessica :D