A Timeline of February Fun

A Timeline of February Fun

Since I haven’t written for so long, I thought I’d take a post to give a sort of timeline of some things I did in February.

February 14–I’ll start with Valentine’s Day. This has become one of my new favorite holidays due to all the fun and crazy things we did.

It’s apparently tradition for the guys and girls in Venerable House to do things for each other as a collective group on this day. We baked all of the men cookies and made cards for them, while they gave us each a rose! I wonder how long it took for them to write our names in that calligraphy…

Some crafts for Valentine’s Day. Here, a decorated mason jar.

February 22–Popcorn Day! (Not National Popcorn Day) My friend Sumana brought a jar of corn kernels with which to make fresh popcorn. The process is relatively easy…add a thin layer of oil so it coats the bottom of the pan, and one kernel of corn. When it sizzles, you know the oil is hot enough, so add more kernels until they form a layer that also covers the bottom of the pan. Make sure that you hold a lid over the pan because when the corn starts popping, they bounce all over the place! One last important detail is to shake the pan occasionally; otherwise, the popcorn burns and you’re left with some carcinogenic tar at the bottom. To put it in the wise words of fellow Rudd Bailey, if I didn’t learn anything else in my time at Caltech, at least I’ll always remember to stir the popcorn.

February 27–Chandler Board Dinner: “Cheese.”

February 28–Formal Dinner! We have these once a term, and this time’s coincided with the last day of the month…

Well, I think that’s enough pictures for now. Though life here at Caltech is extremely busy and challenging, friends make it worth the pain, and we Techers still find many opportunities to have fun! Till next time, Anita