I Spy...

I Spy...

Yesterday (Thursday) was the official beginning of Prefrosh Weekend! In the past few weeks we have been seeing more and more Prefrosh wandering around campus but on Thursday several hundred of them swarmed in to check out Caltech - their prospective home for the next few years. I believe that the longer you stay here, the better you get at spotting the Prefrosh in crowds. To simplify tings, Caltech gives them orange lanyards to wear but things can still get confusing sometimes. Try to see i you can spot the true Prefrosh as they explore the amazing world of Caltech! This is a genuine Prefrosh but he has decided to not wear his tell-tale lanyard.

Now this is a Frosh pretending to be a happy Prefrosh.

This one can’t get more real!

Now that’s a Prefrosh!

More Prefrosh chilling - maybe the outside world that they’re still fresh from isn’t that different! By the way, I checked with all these Prefrosh that I can use their photos! Well, now I’m running of to In-N-Out dinner. Caltech has ordered In-N-Out trailers to campus and everyone gets to enjoy this! I’ll write more about Prefrosh Weekend as the weekend progresses! Cheers, Nina.