Huntington Gardens

Huntington Gardens

My to do list on Sunday**:

Take my Ma 3 (Probability and Statistics) midterm.

Read The Law and the Lady for En 183 (Victorian Crime Fiction).

Study the chapter on NMR for a quiz the next day in Ch 41 (Organic Chemistry).

Finish my application to a research exchange program with the Gwangju Institute of Science and Technology.

**What I actually did on Sunday:**

Went to church.

Went to the Huntington Gardens with my awesome RAs and some friends.

Picnicked there.

Did some of my homework.

Hey guys!

This past weekend brought even more gorgeous weather–I didn’t know that was even possible! The lovely Avery RAs organized a trip to the Huntington Gardens. I had been only once before for an exhibit on Archimedes during spring term of last year. The Huntington is actually within walking distance from campus, so I really should be going all the more.

We trekked through the Desert Garden, Japanese Garden, Chinese Garden, a greenhouse, and the Children’s Garden…

It’s easy to be lazy. It’s easy to stay in bed all day and wear sweats and eat campus food and study. Before I came to Caltech as a frosh last year, though, I made up my mind to savor my mornings and visit coffee shops and gardens and bookstores and look decent at least three days a week. I want to buy groceries and cook and try my hand at all the things being on your own allows you to do.

That said, I’m still compiling a more complete version of the bucket list I began before coming here. That’ll be in a post soon, so come back and check! And as always, don’t forget to

keep lookin’ up,
