Hometown date

Hometown date

The posts that are going up are actually behind my real life. I was actually in Colorado a couple weeks ago and wrote this then but it hasn’t gone up. After this blog I will be caught up, I promise! The past few days I have been in Colorado, where one of my best friends from Caltech, Kelsey, lives. I really like how everyone comes from all over at college. This was my first time in Colorado and it has been so much fun! Kelsey’s family has an adorable cabin in the mountains on the edge of Pikes Peak National Forest. I loved having so much nature around with hardly any people. Especially after having spent the past couple weeks in very densely populated India, I appreciated the space.

Kelsey has ATVs so the three of us (myself, Kelsey, and Michelle) went riding and exploring for a couple days. This was my first time on an ATV and it was sweet! I love feeling the wind against my face, and it was awesome maneuvering trails with mountains surrounding us and not another person in sight. Beneath my bandana and the roar of the engines I might have been singing at the top of my lungs and no one could complain. At least the hawks and the swallowtails didn’t mind. I didn’t really have expectations of ATVing, but I really, really enjoyed it. Kelsey spent most weekends growing up at her cabin. It’s also always fun seeing what your friends’ childhoods were like - it gives you more things to love about them and to make fun of them for :)

We also went line dancing (another first) and the next day did tourist activities in Manitou Springs (close to Colorado Springs). There was a super cool cave network that we toured, Native American cliff dwellings that we walked through, and a park called Garden of the Gods where we saw big pretty rocks and climbed around.

That trip pretty much concludes my summer. Now it’s back to Tech for frosh camp at Ventura beach and then finally classes.
