Home Sweet Home

Home Sweet Home

Hi guys, So I’ve been enjoying spending time with my family and old friends here in Jacksonville. I’ve definitely been catching up on some sleep. I made the mistake of going to see *The Hobbit *with some friends the day after I got back-jetlag made me super sleepy during the long movie, but fortunately I stayed awake. It was pretty good. I also made some snickerdoodles (I know how much you guys loved them in London :P) for a Christmas party with some high school friends I haven’t seen in a year. It’s weird to think how fast time goes by and how people change. We reminisced about the past and updated each other about what’d we done in the past year.

I also went to do some shopping (the conversion rate makes me feel rich here in America) and saw *Les Miserables. *While I can’t say that I liked the movie more than seeing the live musical production in London, I was really impressed with the actors and their ability to portray all the emotions in each song. The movie definitely captures each face more clearly, but I do enjoy seeing how the stage is magical as sets change for each scene.

And of course, what break goes without some traditional festivities such as gingerbread house making? My friends and I made some “gingerbread” houses with graham crackers, vanilla icing, and all sorts of candy. Carmen, who is studying architecture at UF, outshined us all by building a “Romeo and Juliet” house that had two stories. My other friend Max, who is studying painting at UCF, took an artistic approach and made a piano instead of a house.

We also went to get some ice cream freshly made by Lam at Three f(x) Ice Cream and Waffles. They use fresh ingredients and magically make your ice cream using some spatulas and a cold metal plate. It’s really neat to watch and the results are delicious!

And speaking of cold stuff, I’m envious ofthose of you from the North or colder places than Florida where there is snow. I’m definitely grateful for the sun and 60-80 degree weather, but I really want to see falling snow. Someone send me some? xD Stay warm and enjoy the break before school starts again! Jessica :)