Holiday Cookies!

Holiday Cookies!

I’ve only been home from Caltech for two days and I’ve already baked an intense amount. If you’ve read this blog for a little while you’ll have noticed that I bake and cook quite often, and also that I haven’t done much of either for the past semester. Part of that is because I’m living on campus (in my House) again this year, and I’m on the board program and no longer need to cook every meal for myself. The other factor has been time: for the first half of the semester, I was too busy to cook (and took great advantage of the board program). “Too busy to cook” isn’t a real complaint in the real world, of course, and I’m pretty lucky to still be living on a college campus, with pre-paid-for food available nearly 24-7. But now that I’m at home for winter break, I’ve gotten back to my favorite stress relief: baking!

Within 24 hours of being at my mother’s house, we baked chocolate peppermint cookies and peanut brittle. With the leftover melted chocolate from drizzling atop the chocolate peppermint cookies, we made chocolate covered pretzels as well.

It also helped that The Great American Baking Show (a spin-off of The Great British Bake Off) is currently airing. The only appropriate way to watch baking shows is to watch them while eating freshly baked chocolate peppermint cookies, am I right?

Hopefully you’ll be seeing much more of my favorite stress-relief once school starts again. Only two left until graduation! Hopefully there won’t be any stress at all, but how often does that happen?