Hiking in Wunderlich County Park

Hiking in Wunderlich County Park

We hiked 5 miles through wooded areas, although the trail was not always shaded. This made for an unfortunately sweaty group of interns hiking in the sun to get to the top, but I enjoyed walking through nature. It’s not something that I get to do every day while sitting in the office or going about my daily life. The group was in high spirits and had a lot of energy to start the hike - and we were still in high spirits at the end, despite our drained energy. Walking through the woods was certainly revitalizing, as was being physically active. I enjoy hanging out with these friends, and getting outside was definitely a nice change of pace after only seeing them in the office all the time.

Even though it was really hot outside, I still enjoyed hiking with everyone. I would definitely do it again - but hopefully we would choose a cooler day!