An Encounter With Angels

An Encounter With Angels

Hi all! Last week felt super long for me, even though it was only a 4-day work week. I guess I was so busy with all the tours I have been taking (lots of high school students on break and visiting college campuses!) and various meetings for the different committees/extracurriculars I’m involved with. On top of that, don’t forget classes, dance classes and analyzing data for my thesis…I had a pretty dense week. On Friday, I was also very lucky to have sat in on a fast-pitch to the Tech Coast Angels at one of their regional meetings (happened to be here on campus last Friday). The Tech Coast Angels are “A network of individual investors who fund early-stage, technology companies in Southern California.” It was very interesting to see a CEO of a small start-up make a presentation on a very cool technology (sorry can’t disclose anymore since we all signed confidentiality agreements!); it’s basically like that show on ABC, Shark Tank. As a business major, I really enjoyed the experience with the Tech Coast Angels. I got the opportunity to see firsthand how an entrepreneur must handle expressing enthusiasm for his product, and present a flawless business model to investors. It will definitely help me in the long run, and also in the current class I am in, another Pickar class: E102: Entrepreneurial Development (Remember my previous blog on E/ME 105 taught by the same professor?) where I am working with a team to prepare a business model/plan and pitch to Tech Coast Angels for a technology that was developed here at Caltech. Business has always interested me, and I am super happy I was able to double-major in that and Mechanical Engineering here. But more on that later…

After having a hectic week and previous weekend, I reveled in a very relaxed weekend. I caught a movie and hung out over by the Staples Center in Downtown LA, cooked dinner with a friend, and made a quick trip to Paseo Colorado. A lot of Techers go to Paseo since it is only a 20 minute walk away from campus and has a movie theater, many restaurants and shopping. It’s a pretty nice outdoor mall that has something for everyone. The past few times I’ve visited Paseo, I have gone to see it was nice to have walked around the shops a bit at nighttime.

Now that I’m all relaxed…I gotta get psyched for another work week. I am literally sitting right now looking over my planner and mapping out how I will tackle all of the stuff. Stay tuned!